Make sure that you deselect Link to Previous to break the link between Section 5 and Section 6. Otherwise, deleting the footer from Section 6 will also delete the footer in Section 5. Once you’ve done that you can safely delete the footer in Section 6. This is why you are initially seeing the footer. If your document is made up of chapters, for instance, the first page of the chapter might be laid our differently from the odd and even pages.Īlso notice that Link to Previous is enabled by default and the footer border says Same as Previous.

These refer to the first, odd, and even pages of the Section, not the document. Now you adjust the footer. You can double-click inside the footer to open up the Header & Footer Tools tab. Notice that the Options section refers to Different First Page and Different Odd & Even Pages. Notice the new section break in the figure below, and also the Status Bar where you can see that page 31 is now in Section 6. To do that go to the Page Layout tab and click on the Breaks drop-down arrow. From there select a Section Break for the Next Page. Suppose you wanted pages 31 through 33 to have no footer. You would insert a new section at that point in your document and define the new blank footer. Under the Header & Footer tab of the Ribbon, you will see the Header item and Footer item in the sub-item list. Next, click on the Edit Footer button that appeared. To change the start at value, proceed as follows:Position the cursor in the section of the document whose start at value you want to change.Go into the Header or Footer.On the Header/Footer toolbar, click the Format Page Numbers button:Click Start At and enter the desired value.Click OK to close the dialog. After opening your Word document, right-click on the footer at the bottom of any page. The following illustration shows the status bar for page 30. Notice that page 30 falls within the boundaries of Section 5. Method 1: Remove Header or Footer in Word via Right-click. Once this has been done, all old pages will be the same as will the even ones.Elements like headers and footers reside within sections, and from section to section they can be changed. The following illustration shows the footer of page 30 and the header of page 31. Do not worry, after finishing with the current page header or footer, select the next page and make your changes.

In the top left, click Insert and then Header & page number. Note 2: When first editing an odd or even page the heading or footer will effect both types pages even if Different Odd & Even Pages is selected. Add headers & footers On your computer, open a document in Google Docs. Additionally, to have all the pages effected the same, remove the check marks from both choices. Show or hide the header and footer for a single page: Click in a corner of the document (so nothing is selected), click the Format radio button in the toolbar. And now you will see the specified page and its header and footer are copied to the. Create a new Word document, and press Ctrl + V keys together to paste the page.

Press Ctrl + C keys together to copy the page. Exampe: It isn't possible to have different odd & even pages selected for header with out having different odd & even pages selected for the footer too. Select the whole page you will copy, including the section break mark you added just now. Note 1: These choices will effect both the footer and header.
How to configure heading and footer differently depending the page: You may be able to achieve the effect youre after by changing Section 2s page layout to different first page. Here the few limited options available: effect all pages at once effect odd and even pages differently effect the first page differently from the rest the combination of all these. It seem that Microsoft has excluded any away to specifically pick which individual page to show or not show the header or footer.